Pangram Stickers (set of 4)
Do you ❤️ pangrams?
Pangrams are holoalphabetic sentences—they include every letter of the alphabet.
You know the one: The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
Each year we award and feature original pangrams
written by those who submit to the free contest
and calligraphic artwork by the
❤️ Lettering Sweethearts ❤️ Carol DuBosch, Sharon Zeugin & Mike Gold.
Each generously sized sticker (~3"- 4") features a matte finish and back printing.
You can purchase either set of the stickers on this page.
You can download all of the winning pangrams and learn more about the contest at
Mark your calendar for the contest deadline and World Pangram Day: February 1.
Four calligraphy stickers for each edition (year) of world winning pangrams.